News And Events

Academic Year 2024-25

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Oct 28

Vigilance Awareness Program

On 28th October, 2024 Sacred Heart College, Madantyaru, hosted a Vigilance Awareness Program led by Principal Prof. Alex Ivan Sequeira. He guided the students in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and shared valuable insights into the importance of vigilance and integrity. The event was attended by NCC Officer Lt. Alwin K.G., NSS Program Officers Mr. Prashant M and Mrs. Jeeva VC, Rovers Ranger Unit Officer Mrs. Preeti DSouza, Youth Red Cross Officer Miss Viola, along with students and staff membe.......

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Oct 28

Diwali with My Bharat programme -Traffic volunteering

On 28th October 2024, NSS volunteers from Sacred Heart College, Madanthyar, actively participated in the Diwali with My Bharat program, contributing to the festive spirit and community service. NSS volunteers Mr. Nithesh, Mr. Sanath, and Mr. Vilas, took up responsibilities in traffic management, ensuring smooth and safe vehicular movement. Their involvement showcased a sense of civic duty, helping to maintain order amidst the bustling Diwali festivities. The event not only emphasized the importa.......

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Oct 28

Diwali with My Bharat Programme - Hospital Volunteering

On 28th October 2024, the NSS volunteers of Sacred Heart College, Madanthyar, participated in the Diwali with My Bharat program, extending their support to the community through hospital volunteering. Volunteers Ms. Prajwitha, Ms. Chithara, and Ms. Manasa dedicated their time and efforts to assist medical staff and bring comfort to patients during the festive season. Their involvement reflected a spirit of compassion and service, spreading the joy of Diwali to those in need of care. This initiat.......

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Oct 28

Vigilance Awareness Programme

On 28 October 2024, the NSS unit of Sacred Heart College, Madanthyar, organized a pledge ceremony to mark Vigilance Awareness Week 2024. The event, held to promote integrity and transparency, saw active participation from all students, along with the Principal and faculty members. During the ceremony, everyone took a pledge to uphold ethical values and contribute towards creating a corruption-free society. The initiative aimed to foster a strong sense of responsibility among students and staff, .......

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Oct 26

IT Model Competition for the 1st Year BCA Students

On October 26, 2024, the Department of BCA, under the aegis of the IT Forum, organized an IT Model competition exclusively for the 1st-year BCA students. The event aimed to inspire students to apply their technical skills creatively and collaboratively, encouraging innovation and teamwork within the academic community. Each team presented their model to a panel of faculty judges, who evaluated them on criteria including creativity, feasibility, technical skill, and presentation. The top-perfor.......

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